hey i have an idea lets do a st. patricks day event like a quest where st. pat is in fally and is haveing a quest to do where you have to go and find a pot(S) of gold of gold in major citys but hidden like im lummy be in bobs store or the main store in lummy the one in fally could be upstais part of the bar or you get as a drop from a rare moster that is in fally that drops it when killed make him or her a lvl 60+ with over 100 hp make an ranger mager spot also (to make it fair) last but not lest one in varrok or in the wizards guild if varrok hide it in radom place like in the empty feild where the grand ex. is in rs would be nice and hard.
make the reward for the quest a coice like robinhood hat or boots but make it where you cant get both (better yet a dbow or 100k since we are only on v3 lol)
i have tryed this on my sever and it seems to work fine the code is varry long thou lol i made the reward a dbow and full st. pats outfit on my own server