has luner interface and also 2 new prayers. added astrals dragon visarge and other stuff. fixed helmets for fence.
this 1 is a must!1) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WQCOAVO4 -- megaupload for client v5.1
download winrar click on winrar download to download winrar to be able to extract client
any 1 know how to change colour post in server thred on forums so ic an change from pink. ty
2) Once you have downloaded the file you need to extract it.
3) Once extracted the file open it and you will see
4) Serch for run and open it.
If you would like to add or remove music that the client playes open up the client files. open up music and delete or past your songs there and the client will then play them when you are on the client.
If you have enterd your username and pass and then pressed enter and pressed a letter or delete then you need to restart client.