Ok, obviously your having trouble getting your client to work and you want to play the client to the max....so this is how you do it:
First, download the latest java...
Just go to google, type in 'Download Java' and find the latest version (from www.java.com/getjava)
Secondly Download winRAR... (this is a must if you dont have!)
---> Download from: www.rarlab.com/download.htm
Then open the client file in winRAR (if it doesnt open in winRAR automatically then do the following):
1) Move the Client V.2 File to your 'Documents'
2) Open winRAR and click on this button until you've gone up the most you can
3)Click on 'Documents' and then find your file
4) Highlight the client folder (dont open it) and click 'extract to' at the top left
5) Highlight your desktop and then click ok. (make sure 'desktop' is at the end of the text bar thingo
6) Then go to your desktop, and open the file, then open the client thing, then scroll down to 'run' and then after loading (can take quite a few mins) play! =]
Hope this really helps as I know ive had to talk many through in game so now I can just tell them to look on forums and so can you, just makes it a whole lot easier =]